Carpentry / Skilled Trades Jobs

Build Site Open House

Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area (Habitat GTA) is leading the way in addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time: the need for affordable homes. We partner with working families in need of an affordable, safe, and secure place to live and enable their family’s ability to thrive. We are a land developer, a home builder, a fundraiser, and a mortgage holder.

Build Site Open House

Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area (Habitat GTA) is leading the way in addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time: the need for affordable homes. We partner with working families in need of an affordable, safe, and secure place to live and enable their family’s ability to thrive. We are a land developer, a home builder, a fundraiser, and a mortgage holder.

Technical Logistician- International assignments

MSF recherche des professionnels dans les domaines de: ingénierie, construction/ rénovation, architecture, mécanique, eau et assainissement, gestion de projets dans des zones reculées, transport, approvisionnement, electicité/ energie et plus. MSF is looking for professionals in the fields of engineering, construction/ renovation, architecture, mechanics, water and sanitation, project management in remote-areas, transportation, supply management, electricity/ energy, and more.

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