Grow your nonprofit revenue in 2024: Practical tactics to navigate challenging economic conditions

On February 15, join us for a free webinar to learn strategies for growing your nonprofit revenue in 2024. The past year was a rollercoaster influenced by multiple economic pressures impacting how Canadians donated to charities. We will continue seeing fluctuations and...

Optimize your website to improve donor conversions this holiday season

47% of Canadians prefer to receive a charitable gift that makes an impact. Is your organization’s website ready to optimize on potential donors this holiday season? Getting your donors to your website is half the battle; getting them to donate...

CharityVillage Connects: Canadian Philanthropy: Time for a Shake Up?

In this episode of CharityVillage Connects, we take a hard look at the evolving nature of philanthropy and the changing role of foundations in Canada, both public and private, and how they collectively manage over $120 billion in assets. Recent...

Get off the fundraising treadmill: Thinking outside the box to raise more for your cause

Original Broadcast Date: August 31, 2023. Summary: Everyone has heard the saying “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” But what if it isn’t efficient? Your organization has unique needs and your time is valuable. It is time for you to...

Turning event attendees into long-term donors: 3 simple steps to raise more for your cause

Trellis recently hosted an insightful webinar called "How to Turn Event Attendees into Longterm Donors," where we revealed three simple steps to boost your organization's fundraising efforts. If you missed the live session, don't worry – you can catch the...

Beyond the One-Time Gift: Advanced Techniques for Donor Retention

Original Broadcast Date: June 29, 2023. Summary: Did you know that retaining donors is 5 times more cost-effective than recruiting new ones? However, despite the nonprofit industry's average donor retention rate of 45%, organizations all over the world are struggling to...

Cracking the code: Understanding and analyzing your donor retention rate

Interested in learning more about advanced techniques for donor retention? We’ve partnered with Keela to offer a free webinar on June 29, 2023. Register now! As a nonprofit organization, you know that fundraising is critical to your mission's success. However, when...

The greatest challenges facing charities: This year’s Giving Report from CanadaHelps

Interested in learning more about the 10 greatest challenges facing charities? We partnered with CanadaHelps to offer a free webinar, Watch the Recording! CanadaHelps recently released the sixth edition of The Giving Report, which is an annual look at the...

Top 5 tips from the webinar: How to Maximize Donor Retention and Raise More for Your Organization

Hello fellow fundraisers!  Trellis and Social Impact Solutions recently led a webinar with CharityVillage about How to Maximize Donor Retention and Raise More for your Organization. It was a value-packed session, filled with takeaways to help charities raise 20% more!...

How to Maximize Donor Retention and Raise More for Your Organization

Original Broadcast Date: April 27, 2023. Summary: Nonprofits and charities know they need to invest their time into what will be the best return on their efforts. But how do fundraisers know where to invest and what strategies will help them...