Workplaces need to take action on 2SLGBTQIA+ hate. Here’s how.

This article was previously published by CareerWise and is reprinted with permission. We’ve come a long way in the fight for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights. Our dignity as two-spirit, queer and trans people is recognized more often in our homes and workplaces than it...

Breaking Down Barriers Through Knowledge Exchange

On February 29, join us for a free webinar to learn how to break down barriers through knowledge exchange. In this session, you will learn about the REAL Xchange and the Knowledge Transfer and Translation Hub, a platform offering free...

OHSA and AODA Compliance Responsibilities for Nonprofits: Understand Your Obligations and How to Implement Them

Original Broadcast Date: December 7, 2023. Summary: Managing workplace compliance requirements can be a daunting challenge for nonprofit employers, especially when you add the complexities of a remote or hybrid workforce, sometimes spread across multiple locations.   Add to that the...

Growth and the talent crunch: How SMEs can find – and keep – great workers

This article was previously published by CareerWise and is reprinted with permission. At first glance, you might think that being a Canadian small- or medium-sized enterprise (SME) on a growth track would mean that attracting and retaining talent wouldn’t be an issue....

Making the disability inclusion connections in your business and community: Five practical, powerful strategies for action

Making the disability inclusion connections to business and employment success is a three-stage process.   First, there’s grasping all the intertwined levels of connection. Second, there’s understanding the inter-related barriers to disability inclusion. Lastly comes bridge building: developing ways of making the connections...

Understanding disability inclusion connections: Breaking down barriers and building bridges

This article was originally published by the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) and is the first part in a two-part series. There’s more conversation about disability inclusion in business and employment than ever. Although, the disability factor is mostly rolled...

The pursuit of status: signs, systems, and strategies

This article was previously published by Sights on Success Consulting and is reprinted with permission. The Intercultural Sharing Circle by Sights on Success Consulting is an opportunity for professionals from the community to gather and learn from each other’s cultural perspectives....

Another parental leave? How nonprofits can thrive while still celebrating personal milestones with their teams

Parental leave is a given occurrence in any sector, but especially in the nonprofit sector. In Canada, an estimated almost 80% of the nonprofit sector is made up of women. This is disproportionately higher than the 47% portion of the...

“The leadership did not reflect me”: An Interview with Paulette Senior about leadership in Canada’s nonprofit sector

In our April 2023 CharityVillage Connects podcast episode, we explored how Canadian nonprofit sector leaders are increasingly finding themselves under the microscope. In fact, the sector itself is grappling with issues related to accountability, transparency, and a lack of diversity,...

Women, work, and parenting: How the mental load of motherhood impacts the nonprofit sector in Canada

When speaking about the mental load of motherhood, please note that this does not statistically and accurately reflect single-parent households or LGBTQ+ households as there is simply not enough validated data (which is a problem in and of itself).   A...